Camper van washing machines for Van Life Laundry

Camper van laundry drying rack

When you’re out having adventures with your camper van your clothes are GOING to get dirty, and eventually smell if you don’t wash them.

Unfortunately, we cannot just bring our washer and dryer with us in such a small van, or can we!?

Hello! Clark and Nikole here! Welcome to our official van life laundry solutions guide. We are here to help you have cleaner clothes for your next adventure, and never have your van smelling like mildew.

Doing the laundry is an essential task when living the van life, which brings us to my first point.

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What do you do with wet clothes in a campervan?

wet clothes for camper van washing machine

Never dry or leave wet clothes in your camper van. Camper vans tend to trap moisture, but there are many ways to prevent condensation in your van– One of those ways is to properly care for your dirty clothes.

If you don’t deal with wet clothes right away, mildew can set in and leave you with a whole mess of problems.

Thankfully there are ways to prevent and even deal with mildew in your clothing. First, let’s talk about where mildew is most likely to form.

Mildew thrives in highly humid climates. It also loves areas that are stained with food and dirt. Does this sound like a place you may know of? The wet clothes you just swam in the lake with are now sitting in your van just growing mildew because they are not only wet but have dirt on them.

Here are some simple steps that will help prevent mildew from growing on your clothes

  1. Many van lifers suggest you put your wet clothes in some sort of dry bag until you can get your clothes washed. This idea can work if you are planning on washing your clothes within that day. Putting your damp clothes in an enclosed damp area is the best way to grow mildew.

2. Camper vans are known to hold moisture. Your clothes, even when they are dry can contribute to this problem. When storing your dry clothes try storing them with the silica gel packs to help absorb moisture.

3. If mildew has already set into your clothes, try using a little bit of bleach with a hot wash. If your clothes are delicate you can try a detergent that has anti-microbial properties.

After all of this, you are probably thinking, how do I wash my clothes while living in a camper van?

Can you put a washing machine in your camper van?

As a van lifer, there are certain things you are always worried about like; space, weight, and electricity. You can absolutely put a fridge, A TV, AND a washing machine in your camper van.

There are numerous options when it comes to mini, portable, and off-grid washing machines.

How do you do laundry in a camper van?

The best way to prevent mildew from happening is to wash clothing right away. The only way you can properly wash clothes in your camper van is with a washing machine.

You will need a washer with low voltage, small, portable, or something non-electric in order to do laundry. Thankfully, I have the solution to all of those needs.

Purchasing a portable washing machine for your camper van depends on what size van you have.

  • If you have a bigger van with more space you can get away with an electric option that will not only wash your clothes but dry them too.

Here are all the best portable washing machine options.

Non-electric Portable Camper van washing machines

Nonelectric options are best for people with smaller vans. You can save space, electricity, and water. However, it may take longer to dry your clothes because most of these don’t have a drying option.

If you find yourself needing to dry your clothes, just wring them out and hang them on a line.

Scrubba Wash Bag

The Scrubba Wash Bag is a no-brainer when it comes to the best portable camper van washing machine. Here’s why.

  • The product itself only weighs 5.3 oz.
  • It doesn’t require much water.
  • Just a washing machine? Nope, it can double as a dry bag.
  • Has “rivets” on the inside to ensure your clothes get as clean as possible.
  • Simple to use.
  • Can handle medium loads of laundry (including t-shirts and undies).
  • Super compact, making it the perfect wash machine for any camper van.
  • Non-electric.

This method can be a bit rough on clothes, so don’t wash too many delicates this way. If you need a washing machine that’s gentle, check out the one below.

Wonder Washing Machine

Although the Wonder Washing Machine takes up more space than the Scrubba wash bag, it is gentle on your clothing. Here are all of the other reasons why this product can be great.

  • Uses less water than most washing machines.
  • Gentle on delicate clothing, because it doesn’t have an agitator.
  • Handles large loads (up to 5 pounds of laundry) Perfect for washing your towels.
  • Cleans items in under 2 minutes.
  • Non-electric.

Unfortunately, you still need to ring out your clothing with this washing machine and hang them up to dry. This brings us to our next washing machine, which DOES somewhat dry your clothes.

Hand Operated Spin and Dry Washing Machine

I’m not gonna lie, just thinking about this hand-operated washing machine makes me feel exhausted, and like I may throw out my back. But this portable washing machine is a great option for these reasons.

  • Can handle 2 pairs of jeans at once.
  • Non-electric.
  • Has a drying cycle, which most portable washers do not have.

This washing machine is perfect for drying your clothes a bit quicker. Unfortunately, like most portable dryers it will only dry the clothes so much, then you will have to hang them on the line. The dryer will significantly shorten your drying time.

Electric Mini portable Camper van Washing Machines

Electric washing machines are perfect if you find yourself near a power source or you have the appropriate generator.

Being bigger in size, electric washing machines should only be considered for people with larger vans. These may not be convenient for small van dwellers as they can take up a lot of space.

Typically corded washers can hold more laundry, therefore, washing more of your clothes. You cannot wash bedding like big sheets, bulky blankets, or comforters. You are sure to ruin your washing machine, so it’s best to do bigger items at a laundromat.

Mini Electric Washer and Spin Dryer

portable washing machine for camper van

If you have the space and electricity for an electric portable washer this ZenStyle mini wash and dryer will be perfect for your clothing. This machine is the rave amongst camper van dwellers and Here’s why.

  • Washes and Dry your clothes in a short amount of time (15 minutes to wash, 5 minutes to dry).
  • Lightweight.
  • Holds up to 9 pounds of laundry (not in each compartment, but all together)
  • Has timers to let you know when to switch or take out your laundry.
  • Uses the least amount of power compared to competitors.

One concept Ecowash

portable washing machine for camper van

This electric portable washing machine is sleek and perfect because of its drying and washing capabilities, all in one unit. Here are some other great aspects of this camper van washing machine.

  • Can hold up to 7.7 pounds of laundry at one time.
  • Can wash and dry clothes (10 minutes to wash, 3 minutes to spin). No need to switch the laundry because it washes and dries in one unit.
  • Has a timer to let you know when your laundry is complete.
  • Great for washing delicate clothing.

Moyu Foldable Washing Machine

portable washing machine for camper van

I love this washing machine for its compact folding capability, and here are a few other great capabilities.

  • Great for small items (not towels as they could damage the washer).
  • Uses minimal water.
  • Super quiet.
  • Can take from 5 to 10 minutes to wash a full load with a 6-minute drain time.
  • Most compact electric option for washing machines.

How do you make a homemade Portable washing machine?

Okay, guys, I know that making your own stuff is awesome for the purpose of saving money, but it isn’t always worth it.

Below is a video showing you how you can make your very own homemade portable washing machine. I believe that there are easier more efficient ways of washing your clothes than using this method.

If you are really on a tight budget, however, this may be perfect for you!

Detergents for Camper van Washing Machines

laundry detergents for camper van washing machine

You can use just about any liquid detergent for your portable camper van washing machine. One thing needs to be made clear. Do not ever drain the water from your washing machine in any body of water.

Powders and pods don’t work well because the cycle time of a portable washing machine is shorter than a regular machine. It would take too long to dissolve powders or pods. Always use liquid detergents.

Also if you plan on emptying the water on the ground, make sure you are using a biodegradable detergent to wash with. Otherwise, save the old water and waste it appropriately (this may not be possible because most washing machines require quite a bit of water).

You can search for Biodegradable laundry detergents here.

Personally, we love the brand Meyers for washing our laundry on the go. It comes with 64 loads per bottle (but if you are using a portable washing machine you would use less per load).

How much Detergent to use in a portable wash machine

If you are using an electric washing machine as I mentioned above, I would use about 25% of what is recommended on the laundry detergent label.

If you are using something smaller like the Scrubba device you would use about a tablespoon per load.

The amount of water used per load and the type of washing machine you use will determine the amount of detergent you need. You may have to play around with the formula a little bit to get it right for you.

The reason why you want to reduce the amount of detergent used is so you won’t go through as much water. If you use too much detergent you may find yourself rinsing and re-rinsing your clothes. Less detergent equals less water.

How do you dry wet clothes in a campervan?

clothes lines for drying clothes

There are a few ways you can dry your clothes in a camper van, or I should say outside of your camper van.

It’s extremely important that you dry your clothing as soon as possible to prevent moisture in your van and prevent mildew on your clothes.

Here are a few great clothes-drying tips for van life.

  • Get a clothesline and set it up under your shelter so morning due doesn’t re-wet it.
  • Purchase a washing machine with a spin cycle dryer (Listed above).
  • If you have a fan place your laundry In front of it for quicker drying time.
  • Avoid drying your clothes inside of your van, as it can cause moisture inside your campervan. Read here about why it’s important to prevent moisture.
  • If you have the space for it, a drying rack would work well.
  • Use a clothes wringer.

Best Adventure Clothing

drying clothes line

The types of material you choose to wear can help with mildew due to their wicking properties. It won’t mean that you will never have a problem with mildew, and you should still wash and dry clothing as soon as possible.

Purchasing materials such as wool, hemp, or ramie will help prevent mildew.

Laundromat/ Where to Find Them

if you don’t have the electric capacity or you don’t want to purchase a portable camper van washer, then you will need to find a place to do your laundry. You will also need a bigger washer and dryer to wash your bedding because portable washing machines can’t hold bulky items.

Here are all of the places you can do your laundry at, keep in mind that all of these places will still charge you money.

  • Laundromat
  • Campgrounds
  • Camp resort
  • Rent and Air BNB for one night (make sure it has a washer and dryer)
  • Get a hotel for the night (make sure it has a washer and dryer)

It’s so nice to have a washing machine in your van because you don’t have to wait around for your clothes to be done in the washer and dryer.

16 thoughts on “Camper van washing machines for Van Life Laundry”

  1. This is a great post for anyone wanting to do a major road trip. My hubby and I would love to get a road trip van and try this. Thanks for the tips!

  2. I had no idea these portable washing machines were available. Beats washing the clothes in the rivers, like we have been known to do.

  3. Thanks for sharing! This is great. Especially since a trip to a laundromat would be such a buzzkill and is no longer a cheap option!

  4. I learned a lot reading this, didnt know there’s a lot of portable washers out there both electric and non too.

  5. Wow, so many things I never thought of for living in a van! It’s neat to know that there are so many resources and products available for this kind of lifestyle – I love the flexibility that modern camper van life can offer!

  6. These are such great laundry suggestions for on the go. We don’t have laundry machines at the cottage and would have to drive 30 minutes to the closest laundry mat. These suggestions are perfect to have on hand!

  7. I can imagine that space is of essence when you are on the van adventures. It probably would be difficult to add a bulky item like a washing machine no matter how portable it is. I would probably just pop into a local Laundromat. However, I must say, I find line drying in the sun to be the best!

    1. That’s very true, I guess it depends on whether you want to spend the time in a laundromat or not. Personally, it’s not for me, so I find space in my van for one. And yes I would imagine drying in the sun would be the quickest way to dry your clothes.

  8. I would have never thought of mildew, I do live in a very dry climate, but it does make sense. Thank you for another wonderful and filled with great ideas and suggestions article.

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