6 fun Activities to Keep Kids Entertained on Long Road Trips

6 fun Activities to Keep Kids Entertained on Long Road Trips

Most kids and parents would consider vacations to be enjoyable.  

The long ride, however, is less entertaining. Long trips are stressful for most parents. No one wants to hear the sighs of boredom and the constant complaining. 

Why not entertain your kids? Here are some fun car ride activities that will almost guarantee a fun trip to your destination. 

The Alphabet Game 

This game is a classic when it comes to taking long journeys. It will keep you and your kids entertained for quite some time. 

You and your family will start off with the letter “A”. Everyone will have to try and find this letter on a sign or license plate.  

Then, everyone would move on to letter “B” and work your way through the alphabet.  

You can make it more interesting by splitting the family into two groups (if you have a larger family). The winning group gets to pick the next rest stop. 

Story Time 

Laughing is possibly the best bonding experience. Try this game for some great laughs. 

Start off with saying, “Once upon a time.” Then, the next person will continue the story by saying four more words. 

Everyone will get a chance to add to the story four words at a time. Laugh at where the story will be taken. 

You can also make things more interesting by adding a time limit for everyone to come up with their four words.  

Scavenger Hunt 

There are so many things to be seen out the window of a vehicle. Making a game of it can help pass the time. 

Have a few lists prepared for the family. Ask the kids to point out the items on the list. 

The first person to have all the items on their list crossed off wins.  


This is a great game to show how quickly gossiping and secrets can change. 

Whisper a secret or have a family member come up with a secret. Have them whisper it to the person next to them, they whisper to the next, and so on and so forth. 

 See how the secret has changed drastically by the end of the secret chain.  

Educational Trivia 

Why not educate while you are having fun? 

Have a printed-out list of questions related to your trip, or have them on your phone. Just prepare some flashcards for yourself with questions on them. 

This could be a fun way for your family to learn about the place you are visiting. 

Twenty Questions 

Twenty questions is a great game for those that love to be in the spotlight. 

Have one family member pick a person, place, or thing. Then, that family member writes down or tells you what they decided.  

Everyone else has to ask twenty yes or no questions in order to try and figure out what that person, place, or thing is.  


Hopefully, these games gave you some idea on how to keep the family from killing each other during your long road trip. These were some of my family’s favorite games to play when I was a kid, and they kept us entertained for hours. Good luck and happy travels!!

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