Is Horse Shoe Bend Worth Visiting

Why Horse Shoe Bend isn’t What I Thought

Horse Shoe Bend is one of those places I thought would provide a better experience. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t regret going (if you have never been, it’s a must-see!). I probably wouldn’t go back for a while though…

below are a few reasons why I loved/disliked Horse Shoe Bend. Hopefully, this will help you determine whether or not Horseshoe Bend is worth visiting.

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This picture was not taken by me and isn’t that crowded. This is from Canva. When we went there were more people.

The crowds, like at any well-known tourist destination, were insane. I always dislike places that are overcrowded.

It was hard to get around the crowd just to get a decent picture. We had to hop around on some of the rocks to get around the crowds and get some decent views. I wouldn’t recommend doing this because hopping on rocks over a cliff can be life-threatening.

One of the World’s Seven Natural Wonders Like You’ve Never Experienced It Before

Hot and Stale

The entire hike was exposed to the sun, which is to be expected in the middle of the desert. As you can imagine, the heat was almost unbearable especially during the hike to the top (it wasn’t a smart idea for us to hike around 2 in the afternoon).

There was a rest area provided about halfway up, which offered a break for the sun, so that was nice.

There seemed to be no breeze, which offered no relief and made the air seem stale. Flies seemed to like the climate, as there were many of them buzzing around our heads the whole time.

Make sure you bring water!!

Hiking in the Sand

If you have ever hiked on the dry sand at the beach, you can imagine how hard it was to hike to the top of the hill at Horse Shoe Bend. Only… beaches are flat, and this was not. What was only a half a mile hike seemed to go on forever, and was pretty taxing on the legs.


The scenery to the top definitely kept me entertained, considering I am from North Carolina and I am not used to tumbleweed and seeing boulders as far as the eye can see. I love the desert scenery, so it made the trek very entertaining.


During the drive to Horse Shoe Bend, it was hard to find bathrooms at gas stations or restaurants because there weren’t any. The restrooms offered at Horse Shoe Bend were port-o-Johns and were quite disgusting, but if you gotta go you gotta go! Ladies, you better learn to pop a squat!

View at the End

This is the only picture I had of us at the top, don’t laugh.

Despite the crowds, the flies, the sand, and the heat, the scene when you get to the top is amazing. Pictures do not do it justice. It’s one of the better sceneries I personally experienced while in Arizona.

One of the World’s Seven Natural Wonders Like You’ve Never Experienced It Before


In conclusion, I would have to say if you are nearby Horseshoe bend and you can physically endure the heat then absolutely go see this place. If you physically can’t, in my opinion, it’s not that great of a miss. If you have ever been, let me know your experience hiking Horse Shoe Bend, I would love to hear all about it!

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